Three skin legends unite for a new film this weekend, though they leave the nudity to a nudecomer! Read on to find out more...


This new drama stars Eva Green and Alicia Vikander as sisters working on mending their relationship, their paths crossing with Charlotte Rampling and her unorthodox medical techniques. These three ladies have done plenty of nudity over the years, with Eva going nude in 2003's The Dreamers, Alicia doffing her duds in 2015's Ex Machina, and Charlotte baring her breasts in 2003's Swimming Pool. Sadly they all stay clothed here, but nudecomer Eveline Hall has two nude scenes in the film's first hour!

Movie Nudity Report: Euphoria 6.28.19Movie Nudity Report: Euphoria 6.28.19Movie Nudity Report: Euphoria 6.28.19

Films Playing Theatrically with Nudity



Katie Says Goodbye*

*content available on site