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Me Me Lai

Me Me Lai Nude

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Top Me Me Lai Scenes

Eaten Alive! (1980) Nude, breasts, bush 01:19:53 Two cannibals chow down on Me Me before we cut over to a full frontal Paola being eaten... alive! (1 min 5 secs)
Eaten Alive! (1980) Nude, breasts, bush 00:41:44 The entire village watches while Me Me, fully frontal, is assaulted by some dude. (1 min 49 secs)
Au Pair Girls (1972) Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:48:33 Ms. Lai flashes full-frontal flesh following the removal of every last stitch of clothing from her lithe, young frame. My my, Me Me! (1 min 17 secs)
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Burmese by birth and British by accent, snooty-sounding but exotically and copiously erotic Me Me Lai played her ethnic heritage to her best advantage while also catering to the most pressing interests of her core audience members. Specializing as the wholly naked native girl who runs through the greenery in anthropological action/adventure sextravaganzas such as Jungle Holocaust (1977) and Eaten Alive! (1980), Me Me made sure that her muff muff was no stranger to clearly illuminated exposure. Catch the coal-black tuft of crotch fluff as Lai lies back on a thick bed of deep tropical grass. Nor did Me Me shy away from serving as the centerpiece to an aboriginal sex ceremony. Jungle and Eaten make a great double-header of uncivilized carnality. After indulging your latent colonial sex fantasies, you can cleanse your palate with some indoor Me Me exhibitionism in Au Pair Girls (1972) and The Element of Crime (1984). All three of her Bs are on display in those foreign flicks. Although it may appear that Me Me is a sexclusive actress, getting fully naked for every role, she has 18 acting credits to her name, most of which she's not nude in. These include the TV series Paul Temple, Jason King, Spearhead, and On the Line and the movies Crucible of Terror (1971), Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978), and Undercover Lover (1979). Thankfully if you get bored of her non-bare roles you can go back to her roots (they're black and boner-inducing). Oh me oh my, Me Me Lai!


Nude, breasts, butt, bush 01:22:00 Me Me Lai shows her Me Me Minge, as well as her Huge Huge Hooters, when she's assaulted by a cop having a bad bad day. (53 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:49:00 The Burmese beauty shows some nice full-frontal nudity as she prepares to have sex with a cop. He flashes his badge, she flashes her vadge. (31 secs)

Eaten Alive! (1980) - as Mowara

Nude, breasts, bush 00:41:44 The entire village watches while Me Me, fully frontal, is assaulted by some dude. (1 min 49 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 01:16:23 A native scumbag strips our heroine down to bushy-beaved FFN and butt and ravages her in a field. (55 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush 01:19:53 Two cannibals chow down on Me Me before we cut over to a full frontal Paola being eaten... alive! (1 min 5 secs)

Jungle Holocaust (1977) - as Pulan

Au Pair Girls (1972) - as Nan Lee

Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:48:33 Ms. Lai flashes full-frontal flesh following the removal of every last stitch of clothing from her lithe, young frame. My my, Me Me! (1 min 17 secs)

The Man from the Deep River (1972) - as MarayƄ (as Me Me Lay)

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