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Maria Vogt

Maria Vogt Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Steinheim am Albuch, DE

Date of Birth: 04/22/80

Top Maria Vogt Scenes


Maria Vogt is a German theater and film actress, who studied in Cologne, which is maybe why she smells so fetching to us. She’s best known, at least in the Fatherland, for being on the boob tube, especially the TV series Paulas Sommer, where she plays the recurring character named Paula. But we prefer the crime drama SK Kölsch, where she’s made a couple guest appearances, but because of the brevity of the performances she has packed a lot into them. Take the episode “Falsche Hoffnungen” for example, it’s a dirty one. So dirty, in fact, that Maria has to take a shower and shows off her erect-nippled tits. Too bad some doofus has to attack her after she's squeaky clean.