Lisa started her career off with appearances on the hit series The Colbys, Charles in Charge, and Valerie in the mid 1980s before landing some real gigs, most notably in the Dan Ackroyd/Tom Hanks comedy Dragnet. In 1987, she landed a TV gig, but alas, it was on the ill-fated, soon-to-be-cancelled You Can’t Take It with You. After a few more forgettable movies, including Remote Control, Trained to Kill, and Love and Betrayal, Lisa finally had the opportunity to show off the gifts that God gave her, first in the otherwise forgettable Damned River, in which she lets a nip slip whilst standing in front of some body of water, and next in her final film, 1990’s horror picture Playroom. In this one, we get a much better look at this buxom young blonde’s breasts as they hang over some lucky dude during a sex scene. Sadly, Lisa has since vanished from the Face of the Earth.