Kate Hudson Talks Sex Scenes On Howard Stern

What Excites Kate Hudson?

It is not all that uncommon for celebrities to develop crushes when working together. Spending all that time together, exploring emotions, and possibly pretending to be as close as two people can be can actually lead to real feelings. But what about if you kind of already had a crush on the person you are working with? Well, if you are Kate Hudson, you have a grand old time watching Mark Wahlberg dance in his undies for you.

On a visit to the Howard Stern show, Hudson talked about working with Wahlberg on the “based on real events” movie Deepwater Horizon and admitted to having some tingly feelings for her co-star.

"He’s very hot,” the actress said of her co-star. She went on to reveal there’s a scene in the movie where Wahlberg “does this little dance in his undies,” which she admitted excited her. “I think that I had his poster up on my wall in his undies and here I am so many years later and he’s giving me a little dance,” noted the actress.

We can totally relate, since we've seen Kate Hudson nude. There was this one movie where this one actress danced around in her undies and it was very, very hot. Also, it seems Hudson has an upcoming sex scene in a movie about Thurgood Marshall, which she describes as very “intense.”

“It was kind of the first time I’ve been in that situation,” said the actress. “It’s complex… It’s very exposing, so you feel very vulnerable.”

I don’t know if “intense” means full-frontal or just topless, but hopefully we’ll all get to find out very, very soon. If you want to hear more of Kate Hudson talking with Howard Stern, check out the interview below: