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Elizabeth Shé

Elizabeth Shé Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Top Elizabeth Shé Scenes

Howling V (1989) Nude, breasts, bush 00:36:00 More brief boobery, and bit-o-bush, as Elizabeth emerges from the pool. (11 secs)
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Elizabeth Shé is howlingly hot. Which may explain why her three credits are all for sequels to the popular werewolf franchise. It doesn’t take a full moon to make us howl at this lusty lady. All it takes is her moon...and tits and bush. She began this trilogy of hotness with Howling V (1989). It takes place in a Hungarian castle in Budapest, which has a watering hole. That makes Elizabeth remove her clothes for a skinny dip with her man. It’ll turn you into a beast and raise the trouser snake in your pants. She revisited the role in Howling VI: The Freaks (1991) and Howling: New Moon Rising (1995), both straight-to-video releases, but more reason to release your little monster for some fun.