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Edie Falco

Edie Falco Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 4

Birthplace: Long Island, New York, US

Date of Birth: 07/05/63

19 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Edie Falco Scenes

Trouble on the Corner (1997) Nude, breasts 00:38:00 It's a dark, distant shot but by far one of Edie's better Skin Scenes, considering her tits are in full view... (26 secs)
Trouble on the Corner (1997) Nude, butt 01:41:00 Don't blink...Edie's backside makes a fleeting appearance as she climbs into the bath. (16 secs)
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Born in Brooklyn and raised in Long Island, Edie Falco is the tough, no nonsense, woman whose high-strung, hard-shell rawness gives her a quality of realness that always makes it believable she's a badass on screen. But like the mean grade school teacher you kind of liked to get yelled at by, her gruff demeanor is only surpassed by her sexual allure. Edie graduated from SUNY Purchase, and almost immediately people were buying what she was selling. Edie found a starring role in Homicide: Life on the Street before heading to the big screen. She joined Woody Allen in Bullets Over Broadway (1994), before making her mark in Private Parts (1997) and Cop Land (1997). In 1997, Edie made her first premium cable appearance when she took the role of Correctional Officer Diane Whittlesey on HBO's prison drama Oz. Edie never went past a bra on the show, which was a major con, but the same year she debuted as the lone woman keeping Emerald City in line, she gave us a peek behind the curtains in two separate movies. First, in Trouble on the Corner (1997) we get a quick look at Edie's chest bee-bees and backside in a bathtub, then we get another look at her sudsy jugs when she unrobes in front of a creeper with a peephole. Then in Firehouse (1997), Edie gives Paulie from Rocky (1976) himself, Burt Young, a clear, unobstructed look at her hooter hydrants when she showers. Soon after, Edie stuck with Home Box Office and landed the role that she is best known for, mob wife Carmela Soprano on The Sopranos. Edie gives us only a nip slip and a peek at her woke up this morning got yourself some buns in the series, which left fans nearly as disappointed as the show's infamous cut to black ending. We couldn't stay quiet watching the weirdness of The Quiet (2005) where a short haired Edie takes her top off for an unappreciative gentleman, then proceeds to try and sleep on the floor. After starring on Nurse Jackie for six years, and playing a cop on CBS' Tommy for one, Edie is now scheduled to appear in both Avatar (2009) sequels. We're needy for more Edie!


The Quiet (2005) - as Olivia Deer

Nude, breasts, underwear 00:56:00 You'll want to knead-ie Edie when you see her whip off her robe to show off her firm Soprano funbaggage to her onscreen hubby! (1 min 5 secs)

Sunshine State (2002) - as Marly Temple

Firehouse (1997) - as Kate Wilkinson

Nude, breasts 00:28:00 Burt Young gets an eyeful of Carmela's chest-caramels as she enjoys a steamy shower. (14 secs)

Trouble on the Corner (1997) - as Vivian Stewart

Nude, breasts 00:38:00 It's a dark, distant shot but by far one of Edie's better Skin Scenes, considering her tits are in full view... (26 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:17:00 Edie lounges in the tub until the ceiling falls in her bath causing her to jump up. Unfortunately, she's mostly covered in suds except for brief bit of left boob. (35 secs)
Nude, butt 01:41:00 Don't blink...Edie's backside makes a fleeting appearance as she climbs into the bath. (16 secs)
Nude, breasts 01:43:00 Very brief right nipple as she leans out of the tub to grab a fig newton. (6 secs)

TV Shows

Nurse Jackie (2009-2015) - as Jackie Peyton

30 Rock (2006-2011) - as Celeste Cunningham

The Sopranos (1999-2007) - as Carmela Soprano

Nude, breasts Ep. 05x08 Edie teases a bit of nip as she makes out in the pool Gandolfini. (54 secs)
Nude, butt Ep. 05x06 Mrs. Soprano rises from the bed next to her loverman. We see her bra and then a sweet sampling of Carmella's tasty Italian buns. (1 min 4 secs)

Oz (1997-2000) - as Offc. Diane Wittlesey

Homicide: Life on the Street - as Eva Thormann

Law & Order - as Sally Bell

New York Undercover - as Sgt. Kelly

The View - as Herself

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