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Where We Started

Where We Started (2013)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Drama, Romance
  • Directed by: Christopher Hansen
  • Rated: NR
  • Home Release: 08/25/2015
  • Theatrical Release: 05/02/2014
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Where We Started (2013) asks some hard questions about life and tries to answer them. Will (Matthew Brumlow) and Nora (Cora Vander Broek) are both married to other people when they first meet. At first they form a friendship and even bond over the fact that they are both unhappy with their lives. When they start to realize that maybe they would be happier if they left their spouses and got together things get more complicated.

There is nothing complicated about how good Cora Vander Broek looks in her lacy black nightie. When she is suddenly called away she has to pack which includes her walking back and forth between her suitcase and the bathroom a few times. Ms. Vander Broek will give you a vander bone as you check out her great ass in her skimpy nightie that does a good job of revealing some of those round cheeks. It’s not a lot of skin, but it is a very sexy moment.