Read Mr. Skin’s New Column on The Huffington Post

Readers from all over the world click on to The Huffington Post numerous times each day for breaking news on politics, culture, media, and international events, in addition to commentary from the most celebrated minds of society’s current intellectual landscape.

And, today, Mr. Skin joins that roster.

Between headlines about health care, Honduras, and hysteria everywhere from Washington and Hollywood, Mr. Skin shares his thoughts on why the boob tube has become today’s premiere medium for celebrity nudity, besting out even the hottest moments on the big screen.

Read Mr. Skin’s debut Hufington Post column, “Rated TV-MA: How Sex Came of Age on Television”, and leave a comment with your thoughts and opinions.

And rest assured, Skin fans, it’s chock full of classic Mr. Skin references such as bringing up the cast of True Blood naked and Jessica Biel nude in Powder Blue.

And, of course, for all the most relevant news (meaning the stuff related to nudes), follow Mr. Skin on Twitter.