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L' imbranato

L' imbranato (1979)

Brief Nudity

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A comic mob thriller with some spice, Pier F. Pignitore's film L’Imbranato (1979) tells of a lowly employee (Pippo Franco) who’s mistaken for his wealthy boss. Normally this might prove advantageous, but in Franco’s case it’s a disaster--a cunning mob syndicate decides to kidnap him and hold him for ransom, oblivious to the fact that he’s merely an underling. When Franco finally figures out the situation, he decides to collude with the crooks--a decision that boasts hilarious repercussions for all involved. There are plenty of mistaken identities to go around, but one actress is immediately recognizable: Laura Troschel shows off her signature curves in a wacky sex scene with the befuddled Pippo Franco.