Is The Paint Better Or Is Lisa-Marie Jaftha Hotter?

As much as I would like to admire the find craftsmanship of the artist (or artists) behind this painted on bathing suit, the only thing my eyes can admire is Lisa-Marie Jaftha’s incredible body. Sure, the body paint looks real, but more importantly, Lisa-Marie Jaftha looks really sexy.

It’s safe to say that the art of body painting has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years and normally that would be something we’d all notice, talk about, and appreciate; but it seems like the models have also gotten a touch hotter thus negating our ability to focus on body paint. It’s hard to pay attention to fine detail work when Lisa-Marie Jaftha’s nipples are right there. Sure, they have paint on them, but they're still right there. Lisa-Marie Jaftha’s nude body is only hidden behind a few layers of paint, while that paint is creative, it only serves as a reminder that Lisa-Marie Jaftha is not totally nude. She’s oh so close, but not all the way there.

I guess you could make a pretty solid argument that the artist (or artists) who painted this sexy swimsuit on Lisa-Marie Jaftha are so good they are actually making her look hotter. I don’t know if one can actually make Lisa-Marie Jaftha hotter, but I’d be interested in hearing and seeing lots of different sexy Lisa-Marie Jaftha pictures to see if this theory is true.