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Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Our Staff Picks column takes you back to a time when video stores reigned supreme and the "Staff Picks" section was the place to find out what films were worthy of one's time. Of course, our version of Staff Picks has a decidedly skintillating angle, as we suss out which films from a particular subgenre are the best to find great nudity. This week let's cover a surprising venue for movie nudity: Cuban movies.

Maybe you have heard rumblings about a lot of strife in Cuba right now. I know that I have, so Cuba has been on my mind. This might be a good time to reveal that I love Cuba, so I've been a fan of Cuban films for a long time and they are REALLY unique.

After the revolution, there was a film department in the government that set out making movies with a revolutionary bent. This went on for several decades with movies more or less shot and screened for free. The period of Cuban filmmaking between 1968–88 is called "Imperfect Cinema".

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

First of all, Cuban films tend to be co-productions with an outside production company. A lot of films are made with Spanish, Mexican, and other European and South American production companies to make quality films that tend to have slightly more freedom of content.

This became financially necessary as Cuba struggled with the resources needed to make modern films. That is why there is a tendency for Cuban films that are made in cooperation with these production companies get slightly more distribution.

This is why Cuban movies made in the 80s and beyond feel much more modern and free than previous films made in Cuba. They don't seem nearly as political - and, best of all, they include more skin! Viva Skin!

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Here are our Staff Picks of Cuban movies you can watch to get a feel for the culture, the filmmaking, and the hot women:

Strawberry and Chocolate

This is the most famous Cuban movie in recent memory because it was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. This romantic movie takes place in Havana and gives a very beautiful look at the city - and its starlet Marilyn Solaya.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

While the plot is actually focused on a gay male romance, we are treated to a sex scene with nude brunette beauty Marilyn who reveals her rack and hourglass figure in some sexy scenes. Those beautiful berries sure do look sweet!

Un Rey en la Habana

This comedy which means A King in Havana takes you on another joyride through the nation's capital city. Yoima Valdes plays Yoly, a young woman who tries to help her family's money problems after a rich Spaniard wants to marry her. Plans change when the Spaniard actually dies the day before his visit to the family, so they hatch a plan to impersonate the man until they are able to get his money.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

As you can see, the plot is truly wild and it touches on the experience of average Cubans who barely have enough money to get buy. Yoima shows her breasts and buns while Paulina Galvez experiences some nip slippage when she dons a leather bondage outfit. This movie is worth the money!

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Juan of the Dead

Juan of the Dead is a 2012 comedy (Cubans love comedies) about a loser drunk dude named Juan. Juan is a total slacker, but he becomes Cuba's last hope as a savior when a zombie apocalypse breaks out in Havana and he stays in the city to fight them off with his drunk friend Lazaro.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

While Juan and Lazaro fight the dead, the sexy women in this movie will give you life. Only ten minutes into the movie, we see Susana Pous' pair and we later get treated to Blanca Rosa Blanco's breast-os, too.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Habana Blues

The 2005 film Habana Blues is about two blues musicians coming up in Cuba. They get the attention of a Spanish record producer, but the record label is encouraging them to change. They are torn: stick their roots or become more commercially viable?

The movie is all about artistic integrity as well as what happens when music and commercial success becomes more global. In a lot of ways, Habana Blues feels like a very modern Cuban movie that wrestles with its place in a rapidly changing world.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

It feels much more like the Boner Vista Social Club when Yailene Sierra stars as one of the musician's wives. She shows off her crazy perky breasts when she turns over her right shoulder. Her book is like a jiggly triangle with a pink nipple point on the top. This will not leave your Havana balls blue.

Four Seasons in Havana

Four Seasons in Havana is a modern crime thriller released on Netflix in Spain. This is a four-part mini-series that tells a story of greed and murder as a detective solving a crime gets involved in a passionate love affair that might cloud his judgment. We get it! Yudith Castillo is so sexy as Vilma when she bares her breasts and gets on her back for some passionate lovemaking scenes.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Juana Acosta plays the sax naked with the vibrant Cuban flag in the background behind her. More like playing the sex, you know what I mean? Or, as the Cubans say, sabes?

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Plus Mariam Hernandez has a full-frontal shot that will leave you amazed. From her juicy mangoes to her clean-shaven bush, Mariam Hernandez is hot for all seasons.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

7 Days in Havana

This is a joint production film that takes place in Havana and has A LOT of global collaboration behind it. This anthology series is comprised of 7 different directors, mostly Spanish and French, who weave together characters and stories over the course of a week in Cuba.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

There are a lot of beautiful women in this movie, but the MVP awards go to Melvis Santa Estevez and Claudia Muniz. Both of these Cuban cuties really go the distance when they are nude in their separate sex scenes.

Staff Picks: Cuban Movies

Watch Melvis jump into a guy's arms naked in this sex scene:

Read our other Staff Picks here!