We've been looking forward to Sucker Punch star Emily Browning's role as a very sleepy hooker in a high-class brothel in Sleeping Beauty here at Skin Central, thanks to rumors that the full-lipped former child star would make her nude debut in the Jane Campion-endorsed film.

Now Sleeping Beauty has made its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, and while we didn't have a Skin Skout on the scene (what kinda high-class joint you think we're running here?), the reviews are in! The critics are mixed about some things- some praised the slow, contemplative pace of the film, while others say it's, well, a snore- they all agree on one thing: Emily Browning gets all kinds of naked.

Alex Billington from First-showing.net tweeted immediately after the screening that Emily did "full frontal with bush," adding "I now really know Browning up and down haha."

The Rope of SIlicon film blog said in their review:

"The milky white Browning is nude for the majority of the film, leaving nothing to the imagination. .... I guess, in a way, I could give Browning credit for trying something different. For putting herself out there to the point I would be able to identify every inch of her body without seeing her face..."

The Oh No They Didn't! blog loved the film, giving special praise to Emily's perv-formance:

"Emily Browning is superb here, and not simply 'brave,' which is the usual tired critical euphemism for a young actress willing to repeatedly show her breasts."

The Wrap film blog's review was less kind, saying:

"Yes, even with a pretty naked girl, full-frontal male nudity, prostitution, drugs and casual sex, "Sleeping Beauty" turns out to be very slow and a little dull."

We'll take the pretty naked girl, hold the full-frontal male nudity, thanks.

Sleeping Beauty doesn't have an American release date yet, but it opens in Australia June 23. Stay tuned to the Mr. Skin blog for all the nude pics clips from Sleeping Beauty as they break!