The Hulkamaniac's Brooke-alike Girlfriend
Famed wrestler and Hollywood dad Hulk Hogan has caught a lot of flack for his relationship with new (and younger) girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel (left) because of her striking resemblance to his 20-year-old daughter Brooke Hogan (right), as this photo courtesy of demonstrates.
But Mr. Skin can't condemn the Hulkster. There is a certain undeniable resemblance between just about any two buxom blonde babes, and if that's the way his taste runs, what's the difference if his daughter looks the same way? It can't be helped, especially since he probably married Brooke's mother for her looks to begin with.
There are some other show-business dads who must have found themselves in the same uncomfortable boat from time to time. The late great Klaus Kinski, an enigmatic and volatile actor, reports in his autobiography that he wanted to do a love scene with his stunning teenage daughter Nastassja Kinski but was not allowed.
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler's daughter Liv Tyler appeared alongside Alicia Silverstone in the video for his song "Crazy" and even indulged in some implied clam-slamming with her busty co-star.
Italian horror auteur Dario Argento got his delectable daughter Asia Argento to pop out her pontoons in his films Trauma (1993), The Stendahl Syndrome (1996), Phantom of the Opera (1998), and most recently Mother of Tears (2007). Maybe pseudo-skincest is the sweetest taboo after all.