Thanksgiving Day is full of gluttony, especially when it comes to stuffing one's face full of meat.

With recent pictures of Keeley Hazell nude, PETA urged us to ditch the meat and instead, stuff our faces full of teat.

It was one of the only PETA "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" ads in which the subject actually went naked. That coupled with the fact that it's Keeley Hazell, with her achingly gorgeous, huge, wobbly, warm natural breasts, made carnivores the world over reach for the celery.

Another celebration is in order, because Loaded magazine has released some outtakes from the raunchy shoot, and they're just as topless as the others.

The new(d) shots show Keeley totally nude, straddling a toy plane, and cuddling a stuffed seal between her long, luscious legs.

Check out Keeley's God-given 32Es here, and then follow Mr. Skin on Twitter so you don't miss any stories like this ever again!