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Kassandra Speltri

Kassandra Speltri Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Hispanic, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , BR

Top Kassandra Speltri Scenes

Magnifica 70 (2015-2018) Nude, breasts Ep. 02x05 | 00:20:17 Kassandra Speltri lies in bed topless with two clothed dudes! (3 secs)
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The captivating Kassandra Speltri is an actress best known for her work in Apocalypse (2017), Com Todo Amor de que Disponho (2015), and Oco (2015). Kassandra made her onscreen debut in The Sky We Were Born Under (2009). This beautiful brunette bares her boobies for her role in the Brazilian TV drama Magnífica 70. The series follows the life of a man who has a boring job working for the government censorship department and is married to a good, but not very exciting woman. One day at work he finds himself falling in love with an actress in one of the movies he is forced to censor. We get a great look at Kassandra’s delicious double Ds during a black and white orgy scene. Kassandra lies topless while three lucky gents get to touch her smooth, sexy skin! Kassandra looks magnífica naked!