Has a Nude Photo of Lost Star Evangeline Lilly Finally Hit the Internet?

Mr. Skin is nothing if not an honest man. So here's the straight skinny: The nude photo after the cut is probably not really Evangeline Lilly. The photo's legitimacy is highly unlikely. But that doesn't mean it's not interesting. You still want to see it to judge for yourself, right?

Well, take a good long gander. The bazooms seem to be just about the correct size, but that butt. Mr. Skin isn't buying it. The last time we checked, Evangeline was a skinny white girl from Saskatchewan, not Kim Kardashian. Better luck next time, internet nudity hoaxers.

Pic via Less Clothes.

This is one time when Mr. Skin wishes he weren't right, but here's the (sadly clothed) original, via The Skip Jenkins Show.