The show Interaktiv is part of the VIVA program, the German counterpart to MTV. Hosted by lovely young hotties like Jessica Schwarz, Nora Tschirner, and Annika Murjahn, it centers on interviews and live acts but (as the title already implies) also gives viewers the chance to participate in the program by asking questions via internet. Nudity Report: Have you ever seen an American veejay getting naked on some MTV show? Germany may be a lot more liberal when it comes to stuff like this, but the level of gratuitous exhibitionism in harmless TV shows is nevertheless still rather low. What a shame!! Still, it’s very easy to see the three aforementioned ladies sans clothes. The only thing you have to do is check on some of their acting credits. My personal favorites are Die Freunde der Freunde (Schwarz), Sternenfänger (Tschirner), and Tatort - Bienzle und der Mann im Dunkeln (Murjahn).