Today's film for Foreign Film Friday is a bizarre little French flick from 1974 that is bound to put a smile on your face. With its beautiful and hilarious leading ladies and their great naked shower scenes, Céline and Julie Go Boating is a great pick for this week's Foreign Film Friday. It was recently released on Blu-Ray with the Criterion Collection, so you can feel good about watching the breasts in this prestigious little movie in High Definition.

Foreign Film Friday: Celine and Julie Go Boating

This movie is a strange one, but it's a French 70s film so you can be assured that it is delightfully strange. Jacques Rivette directs this fantastical comedy that runs over three hours long - three hours long!!! - about two young women who live parallel versions of each other's lives.

Foreign Film Friday: Celine and Julie Go Boating

Juliet Berto plays Celine and Dominique Labourier plays Julie whose lives are strangely linked in fascinating ways that play out in the movie. There is one great shower scene - well, two shower scenes - when the babes shower in their parallel lives. So it's like they are showering together, but they are definitely not. Still, both of them bare breasts as they scrub their smooth bodies in the shower.

Foreign Film Friday: Celine and Julie Go Boating

Watch the beautiful Juliet Berto shower in this scene that exquisitely shows off her breasts as she idly chats with a friend outside of the shower: