As a genre, the western is hit and miss when it comes to nudity. Typically the smaller the budget, the more likely you are to have nudity—see our new content from Once Upon a Time in Deadwood starring a Charles Bronson impersonator for proof. The new flick Eminence Hill may not be a shoestring budget affair, but it's certainly a far cry from a Hollywood western, and the best news of all is that we already know there's nudity in it!

Face/Off and Lolita star Dominique Swain co-stars with Lance Henriksen in this new flick, and the blonde beauty does her latest nude scene just 13 minutes in, baring her breasts while riding a guy by a campfire! Four minutes later, we get a topless scene from Tori Glawe Osborn, and there's even some uncredited nudity from a brunette prostitute at the 56 minute mark!

Dominique just went nude in last year's Nazi Overlord, so this may be the start of a skinsational new trend for her! If nothing else, it's certainly put her back on Mr. Skin's radar, and we know that's exactly where our readers like her to be! Eminence Hill is currently set to make its North American premiere on November 5.