Sometimes in life you make a pivot and go in a completely different direction. That is exactly what Dagmar Wohrl did. Born in Bavaria, Germany, Dagmar always assumed she would work in the entertainment industry. In the 1970s she landed a few different parts in movies and a TV series. She was crowned Miss Germany in 1977, but then decided to take her life in a different direction. In 1994 she was elected to the German Parliament where she served through 2005. In 2005 she was named the Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. She still holds that position today. Speaking of holding things, you might find yourself tightening your grip when you see Dagmar go full frontal in Die Stoburg (1974). In the movie she plays a woman getting married. A guy dressed as a king talks to her while she wears only a veil. As far as we are concerned, Ms. Wohrl is a member of the Ministry of Eco-moan-ics!