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Corinne Kingsbury

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When Skin Central began its skin-vestigation into this hot brunette named Corinne Kingsbury, little did we know that we'd instantly be pitching a tent in our pants. With her flawless body, brown locks, and sultry eyes, how could any self-respecting skin fiend not spring a hard one? This hottie is so unforgettable she can basically take any piece of celluloid she's in and dominate the scene with her skin-full-ness. Don't believe us? Who made Old School (2003) one of the year’s biggest hit comedies? Okay, we’ll give some credit to the talents of Luke Wilson, Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell--but the film was worth seeing twice for dreamy Corinne Kingsbury. As one of the KY Jelly wrestling girls, Corinne doffed her top and got our tops popping. This slim brunette’s got an old-school bod that’s worthy of a ’70s cheerleader flick. Corinne’s big parts are surely meant for the big time--and since Old School was her debut role, the parts can only get bigger. In the years since, Corinne has largely abandoned acting for producing and writing TV shows. Good for you, babe! For a taste of her writing talents, check out the hit shows The Newsroom, Back in the Game, Fam, and In the Dark. Mr. Skin is thrilled to see Kingsbury taking the screenwriting world by storm. Hopefully at some point in the not-too-distant future Corinne will embrace her skin-ful roots and show her chesticles once again...or maybe a bit of tushy...bush maybe? We're not picky. We'd love to make Kingsbury our Queen!