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Kate Hudson Has Taken A Liking To Constantly Wearing A Bikini

How many times have you seen someone and thought: “I wonder where they get their good looks?” Well, when it comes to Kate Hudson we know the answer, Goldie Hawn. Together, they both look pretty damn good.

I think we’ve all been noticing Kate Hudson’s incredible bikini body recently. In fact I don’t think I can recall a time in the past couple of months in which I haven’t seen a picture to Kate Hudson in bikini. Now, I don’t want anyone to think I have an issue with Kate Hudson and her wanting to show off her bikini body, I’m merely pointing out a trend I have noticed. Though, I will say, as sexy as all of those pictures have been there is something super sexy about the fact she took this picture herself. It’s hard to think of what the world would be like without Instagram. We would only see Kate Hudson’s cleavage when she did a photo shoot or a movie. Thanks to modern technology, we can see it whenever she feels like sharing it with us. Plus, we get a bonus of seeing Goldie Hawn and remembering all the times she was cute, bubbly, and sexy in her movies.

Goldie Hawn, your daughter Kate Hudson is a real beauty, just like you. And Kate Hudson, let’s keep up the bikini pictures, you are looking pretty darn sexy in said bikinis.