Krysten Ritter Can Be Sexy In Many Different Roles

Krysten Ritter is making a pretty solid career for herself playing the dark and mysterious women or the hot and snarky best friend, but really, I think she can play any role she wants. She's got the looks and she’s got the talent.

Personally I was outraged back when I found out that Kristen Stewart would be playing Snow White in that movie Snow White and The Huntsman. Clearly anytime you do a live action Snow White movie you need to cast Krysten Ritter. She fits the bill perfectly and no offense to Kristen Stewart, but Krysten Ritter is a way better actor. I’m sure there is some kind of Snow White versus a monster movie in the works, that seems to be a new trend in Hollywood, so hopefully those people will cast Krysten Ritter as the dark haired, fair skinned beauty. She would be perfect. Though, I believe that Krysten Ritter and her incredible good looks would fit perfectly into every single character type. Seeing her next to a motorcycle has me wanting to see Krysten Ritter the badass, biker chic.

I’m sure Krysten Ritter will continue kicking ass on Netflix’s Jessica Jones, but I also hope to see her again on the big screen soon. I think we all could use a little more Krysten Ritter in our lives.