We already know that the beautiful Vera Farmiga ass in Up in the Air is just a bunch of hot airaccording to the star herself, it's a body double.

The movie may be earning piles and piles of accolades from critics and audiences, but it rates a complete goose egg on the skin scale.

And to add skinsult to skinjury, in a new interview, Vera claims that she insisted on filming the scene herself, but the director opted to go for the cut with the double! Blasphemous.

She relays the hideous tale:

"I've done nudity quite a bit," Farmiga said, but "Jason (was) prudish about me being pregnant. (But) I felt great in my own skin."

Nonetheless, Reitman hired a body double, though he let Farmiga have a say in whom he hired. Once the scene was filmed with the body double, Farmiga asked if she could film the scene.

At first, Reitman was reluctant. But he let Farmiga film the nude scene.

In the final cut of the film, though, it's the double's -- not Farmiga's -- body up on the screen.

"I don't know why they didn't include it," she said. "I know I looked good."

Mr. Skin has a new enemy and his name is Jason Reitman. First he cuts out Katie Holmes's sex scene in Thank You for Smoking, now this!

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