Singer and fashion bomb Miley Cyruswas recently spotted shopping at a bait and tackleshop, where she got hopelessly raveled in some fishing net. No, she was dropping some g'sin Soho while searchingfor some new duds atvarious boutiques. Whenever shop owners see Miley coming they pull out their exclusive "90's Gadzooks Employee Turned Down On Her Luck Hooker" collection and stick hefty price tags on the pieces. I'm not complaining!

Since we've practically seen inside Mileyyou may be wondering what the significance is of these pics, but I say any opportunity to see Miley'sperfect set us a good one. Something about the way her boobs are trapped in that, er, shirt, actually makes them look bigger than usual. Whatever you think about Miley's fashion, the girl's got a truly banging bod and it's just a plus that her nipples are alwaysout for our enjoyment!

Photo Credit: SplashNews