Sissy Spacek in CarrieThroughout the Month of October, Count Down the Sexiest Nude Horror Movie Hotties of All Time!

Number 13:Sissy Spacek

In the course of an acclaimed career spanning four decades and 60 films, naturally blonde Texan thespian Sissy Spacek has starred in just two horror movies. One is the unremarkable 2005 spooker An American Haunting. The other, from 1976, is the one that forever burned Sissy’s place in the pantheon of Scream Queens: Carrie.

Adapted from Stephen King’s debut novel by crackpot auteur Brian DePalma, Carrie chronicles Sissy in the title role as the hapless high-school victim of persecution from the cool kids at school, and a religious-freak mother (Piper Laurie) at home.

Sissy Spacek in Carrie Unbeknownst to her tormentors, Carrie boasts telekinetic powers which, after a wicked prank involving pig’s blood, make for a prom night massacre to remember.

As noted in
Knocked Up, Carrie is skinstantly remarkable for featuring nudity in its very opening credits.

Sissy Spacek’s “dirty pillows” are fabulously buoyant and pink-nippled, and we even see her fluffy muff as she freaks out over her first period in a locker room full of naked teens.

For that, and for the sexy way she wipes out the whole school with her mind during Carrie’s climax, Sissy Spacek will forever be hailed as one of horror’s most skincandescent honeys.