The Women May Be Packed with Femmes, But the Femme-on-Femme Frottage Remains on the Cutting-Room Floor

The remake of George Cukor's 1939 classic The Women hits theaters tomorrow, and the chick flick seems to have a bit of promise even to those with dicks. The cast is entirely made up of womenthere's not a hunky suitor or gay decorator best friend to be seen in the entire flick. Plus, the movie is packed with sexy stars like Eva Mendes, Debra Messing, and Meg Ryan. But costar " frameborder="0"> Jada Pinkett Smith revealed that this clothed-funbag-packed film could have given men a reason to pack theatersif only director Diane English has listened to Jada and left in a scene where her lesbian character sexes up Eva Mendes! Next time, Jada, don't let some out-of-touch filmmaker let you keep your lezzie leanings under wraps; make you own movie and fill it with wall-to-wall lap-licking lesbos!