Beautiful, Smart, And Great Cleavage—Ashley Smith Is One Hell Of A Woman

Using a mantra is a great way to power through any tough moment that life may throw at you. No matter the situation, saying a couple of words to yourself can really do wonders. As for me, my mantra is simple—“Ashley Smith’s cleavage is awesome.” Yep, that really helps get me through the day.

I have no doubt there are some out there who still haven’t accepted the fact that the pages of Playboy are no longer filled with beautiful topless women, but take comfort in the fact Ashley Smith has some really fantastic cleavage. And wouldn’t you know it, Ashley Smith also has some words to live by:

“We have only one life, and I would rather live adventurously and test my boundaries than be shy. That’s boring. I want to meet new people, do new things and live a full life. Being afraid is not going to get me that,” she says. “You have to show the world why you’re special.”

Those are some pretty powerful words, if you ask me. And she’s right, when you have something special, you need to show the world. In the case of Ashley Smith, it’s her incredibly special body, her incredibly special cleavage, and the incredibly sexy way she talks on the phone while only wearing panties. Yes sir, Ashley Smith is pretty special all over.

So, take a deep breath, say some words of wisdom and enjoy Ashley Smith being non-nude, but super damn sexy in Playboy.