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Erin Chandler

Erin Chandler Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Blonde Hair, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Top Erin Chandler Scenes


Erin Chandler made her debut in the thriller Bitter Vengeance (1994), though we are unfamiliar with any other kind of vengeance. Sweet vengeance? Maybe. But we digress. She next was seen in the short film, a comedy called Dick Richards (1996). The boob tube called and Erin answered with guest spots on Chicago Hope and The Net. But it’s Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel (2000) where this beauty shined hottest. You wouldn’t think this story of a repressed 40-something man who escapes his conservative small town for Atlanta where he can finally be open about his gayness would be a feast of female nudity, but Erin proves you wrong. She is seen in a heavy make-out scene in which her bosom pops out from her dress.