The bad news? There's only one new theater release this weekend that features nudity. The good news? It's full-frontal. The great news? It's Diane Kruger!

Icelandic director Baltasar Kormakur is no stranger to slipping a little skin into his films--just check out the flesh flashes in 101 Reykjavik (2000) and White Night Wedding (2008). He even got skingy starlet Julia Stiles to slip a little nippage in A Little Trip to Heaven (2005). But your trip to heaven will be all-sexpenses laid with Inhale, opening today. In one mam-orable scene, delicious Diane Kruger is getting banged in bed before she darts up to help her asthmatic child. It's a shot that will take your breath away, especially since this marks the first time Diane has pulled a full-frontal move. We have early clips from Inhale at Diane's Mr. Skin page right now, so have a look. And don't miss her notable, nudeable past work in Troy (2004), Whatever You Say (2002), and more!

And if Diane's not enough to get you gasping for air in Inhale, there's another stacked and stunning blond who costars... the skincomparable Rosanna Arquette. Pass the skinhaler!