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Christelle Cornil

Christelle Cornil Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: , BE

Date of Birth: 08/28/77

1 Blog Post for this celebrity

Top Christelle Cornil Scenes


Belgian-born Christelle Cornil is an artistic actress, making many appearances in artsy short films like Mon cousin Jacques (2005), Révolution (2006), Stencil (2007), La sortie (2009), and Legende de Jean l’Inversé (2009). The blonde-thespian grabbed minor roles in films such as the intense drama My Angel (2004), the crime thriller Traceless (2010), and the moody flick Miles from Anywhere (2011), where Christelle bares her Belgian baby feeders while she receives a rousing dickin’ in a darkly lit scene. Christelle has the carnal cure for what ails your aching loins!