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Caesar and Otto's Deadly Xmas

Caesar and Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Caesar and Otto's Deadly Xmas (2012) is a twisted horror comedy with a title ready made to get Bill O'Reilly and all the war on Christmas people riled up for featuring the world Xmas in the title! Local loser Caesar (Dave Campfield) and his friend Otto (Paul Chomicki) take a job as a mall Santa and his elf, but their plan goes south in a hurry when they find themselves being stalked by a rival mall Santa (Deron Miller), one who's willing to kill anyone that gets in his way! The film has lots of cameos from famous skin queens of bygone days like Linnea Quigley and Brinke Stevens, but it's busty beauty Victoria Vertuga who steals the film with her nude scene! Victoria peeks out from behind a curtain to see what a commotion happening on her porch is, and reveals her sensational shakers at the very end of the scene! That should get you coming down a chimney in no time!