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Kalei Shallabarger

Kalei Shallabarger Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Black Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Top Kalei Shallabarger Scenes

The Invisible Maniac (1990) Nude, breasts 01:13:47 Kalei's top is ripped off, presumably by the title villain, and she is then drowned in a fish tank! (18 secs)
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What would you do if you could make yourself invisible. I'd sneak into Area 51! Liar. I'd rob a bank! Ehh, maybe. I'd sneak into the girl's locker room and have a good wank! Ahh yes, an honest man. It's not a fair question when the women you could creep on look like Kalei Shallabarger, who, quite unfortunately, is one of the many One-Timers appearing here in the Hallowed Halls of Skindom. What could have been a stellar, Super-Skinful career came to a close as soon as it took off, with young Kalei appearing but once on The Silver Screen in the ultra-campy horror/comedy The Invisible Maniac in 1990. Sure, there’s a chance she’ll pop up on the Skin-o-Scope again but that’s starting to look like a not-so-likely proposition, seeing as her only film was released over a decade ago…Nevertheless, the movie about a psycho hiding out as a substitute teacher, that invents an elixir to make himself invisible is definitely worth plopping down your hard-earned rental-fee cash for, seeing as it’s rife with gratuitous nudity. Not only does Kalei shed her threads while showering alongside the likes of Savannah, Stephanie Blake, Melissa Moore, Debra Lamb and Tracy Walker, but Miss Shallabarger gets a solo gig when she gets her top torn off by the invisible man, proving she's quite HG Well endowed. Shall we take a peek? We Shall. But just like the villain in that flick, Kalei disappeared from view, never acting again and remaining firmly out of the limelight. What a shame. Few have ever gotten us larger than Kalei Shallabarger!