Take one look at the consummate hotness from actress Whitney Anderson and you'll see why Mr. Skin and his skin-ions were sprung and ready to embark on a skin-vestigation into her filmography. Whitney why won’t you love me Anderson is a corn fed, down home, Midwestern good gal with plenty of family style skin to go around. Tricky little soda cracker isn’t she? Hard to believe she’s not from California with those bouncy blonde Medusa hairs. Right?! She spent her formative years in the great state of Minnesota, which would naturally explain the milky madness of her fabulous fleshy flesh. But, of course, with cantaloupes like that she couldn’t escape the clutches of California forever. Anderson studied theatre and broadcast journalism at the prestigious USC! Hot and educated...you're kind of the total package aren't you, Whitney? She then landed all kinds of roles all over the television, from cinnamon to Kaiser, from CSI to Bones! As for your skin’s desires, you can catch an eye full (and a boner-full) on the 2009 television show, Crash. And while you’re at it, score a semi watching Whitney Anderson prance around proud in a tantalizing thong of dreams in Toolbox Murders 2 (2013). We'd love to have a look at your box any day now, Whitney! Most recently you can see her in the TV series The Code, followed by a string of short films that we're guessing did not show any of her presumably gorgeous 3 B's. We're getting blue below the belt waiting for you, Whitney!