Vanessa Demouy is a French tickler, at least she tickles us where we grow. The actress and model with an enormous pair of Demouy buoys we'd like to cling to during a storm is a big-breasted brunette that's not afraid to show off her breast bits on screen for the men and women who lust after her, and believe us, they are numerous. She was only 17 when she started modeling, and it was only naturally for the buxom babe to cross over to the boob tube and movies. Also the third model for the original well endowed videogame star, Lara Croft, whether Playstation 5 or 8 bit, no game could really capture those tits. After getting her start on the comedy about models, Classe mannequin and the drama about models, Coeurs caraibes, before continuing her career as the hote enought o be but not actually a model, Anne in Night Squad she finally dropped the top and put her pair on display. Yes, though it wasn't full frontal, we’re partial to her recurring role on the completely unrelated to the 1980 Olivia Newton-John movie, French TV series about an aging pornographer, Xanadu, where she plays the aptly entitled Vanessa Body, and shows off that demouy, muy sexy body. It's not quite X rated, but we do get to see those monster mams when Vanessa finally xanadid some shirtless work. That was her only skin scene, as she joined the long running crime thriller Tomorrow is Ours and its spinoff, Ici Tout Commence. We appreciate that she's still working, but we wish she'd commence to taking her top off again.