Documentaries, while often interesting and sometimes downright enlightening, aren't known for being sexy- out of the 20,340 movies in Mr. Skin's database, only 170 are documentaries. So it's always a sexciting event when a salacious R-rated documentary comes down the pike, and Tabloid, made by genre master Errol Morris, promises a plethora of prurient delights.

Tabloid is the true story of beauty queen Joyce McKinney (seen at left) who in 1977 followed the Mormon missionary who had jilted her to England, took him to a cottage in the countryside, and had sex with him for three days. Those are the facts. Beyond that, the story gets murky- he says she kidnapped him and chained him to a bed, and she says it was true love peppered with a bit of kinky sex play. (About her lover/victim, Joyce famously said: "I loved him so much that I would have skiied naked down Mount Everest with a carnation up my nose if he had asked me to.") Either way, it's awfully stimulating, and the British media had a ball with it:

We'll be giving you all the nudes on Tabloid as they break, so stay tuned to the Mr. Skin blog- and in the meantime, check out all the true-life TA in Mr. Skin's documentary database!