Shameless Season 7 Will Tackle Polyamory in a Whole New Way

Season 7 of Shameless debuts on Sunday, October 9th, at 9 p.m. EST, andour favorite "throuple" (that's a three-person couple, for anyone not yet on the Shameless bandwagon) is now married and embarking into domestic territory - think: raising kids, balancing the checkbooks, and yes, having more stellar sex.

Two is company, and three's a party

According to an interview with The Hollywood Report, the trio has moved from a place of merely fulfilling each other's needs, whether that be childcare, cleaning the kitchen, or getting a great blow job, into reciprocated love on all parts. It was tricky to work out at first - Svetlana (Isidora Goreschter) was a Russian prostitute with a small son looking for a place to stay, and Kev and Vee (Shanola Hampton) have been the longtime stable couple of the group. When Svet and Vee began a sexual relationship and opted for a greencard marriage to help Svet stay in the U.S., Kevin had to make a lot of adjustments.

Shameless Season 7 Will Tackle Polyamory in a Whole New Way

Great! Sex with two women, right?! Well, naturally, coparenting and living together is tough, as is fusingthree different relationships into one that works, but it delves into territory only Shameless can by giving everyone alone time to get frisky with each other. That's means they sometimes have incredible threesomes, but sometimes it's just Svet and Vee...

Shameless Season 7 Will Tackle Polyamory in a Whole New Way

And Kevin gets alone time with both Svetlana and Veronica, too. It's a different dynamic, and Shameless is the first big show to authentically portray polyamory without making it a main storyline. Regardless, these three have always been among the most sexual on the show, and we can't wait to see where this supercharged trio goes.

What do you guys think will happen? Will these three crumble, or will their relationship get even more open?