You Can Never Be Too Sexy, Ireland Baldwin

You can call me a stick in the mud if you like, but I feel that safety is important. You can still have a thrilling adventure and be safe about it. If you wish to ride a skateboard then you must wear a helmet, elbow pads, and kneepads. While normally I would throw a fit if I caught someone not abiding by these rules, I’m going to give Ireland Baldwin a pass this time because sexy is just a touch more important than safety.

Yes, the saying going “Safety First” and in most instances that’s true, but if you can be sexy without being safe, it’s totally okay. Doing something for the sake of sexy over safe has never harmed a single person. I have no evidence to back up this claim, but instead of arguing with me you could just look at Ireland Baldwin’s cleavage. Hell, if anything we need to wear a helmet, kneepads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, and some kind of chest protector when looking at sexy pictures of Ireland Baldwin. Who knows what could happen to you when you are looking at something so damn sexy.

Besides, I have a feeling Ireland Baldwin doesn’t even really skateboard, it was all for show… a sexy, sexy show. But, I have to say if Ireland Baldwin wore a helmet, elbow pads, kneepads, and nothing else while on a skateboard it would make for one hell of a safety poster.