It's More Than Just the Camel Toe
Have you ever stopped and thanked those little inventions that make everyday just a little bit brighter? For instance, could you imagine a world without tissues or disposable pens or yoga pants? For me, I don’t want to think of a world where I can’t see Chloë Moretz in yoga pants sporting a camel toe.
While the camel toe is a little hard to see in some of the pictures, we can see how amazing Chloë Moretz’s body truly is. Though many of us didn’t need yoga pants to figure it out, we kind of knew she had an amazing body. And no doubt many of us are hoping we will see more of it in the very near future. But that’s beside the point. The point is we need to remember all the little things in the world that make it great. The big things like running water, grocery stores, and Internet porn are all wonderful and make life grand, but it’s the little things like Chloë Moretz deciding to wearing tight yoga pants as pants and go out into the world.
So, tonight (or right now) we should all raise our glasses high and toast the inventor of the yoga pants. Whoever you are, you make the world a great place to live and we salute you.
Via Splash News