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More Lili Simmons Nudity Is Good For All Of Us

For my general health and well-being I could probably eat a few more vegetables, maybe add running into my schedule, but most of all if I want to live a better life than I need more Lili Simmons nudity. Thankfully I’ll able to tackle one of these issues because Lili Simmons is going to be in the new season of Ray Donovan.

I’m not much for running and I can’t imagine my life with takeout, but I do want to be strong and vigorous throughout my days on this rock. So having more Lili Simmons nudity is great to maintain a happy life. Sure, I don’t know for certain that she’s going to get nude on Ray Donovan, but with bothTrue Detective and Bansheein herbackground, I kind of feel like it’s not outside of the realm of possibility. I’m not much of a betting man, but I would take this bet and feel good about it in the morning. Or as showrunner David Hollander put it to the The Hollywood Reporter:

"My first priority is to dream up a really gorgeous year five, to make sure it delivers a show that, should it live for a sixth, seventh or eighth season, will be satisfying to the audience and artists,"

When you think about it, there really isn’t anything more gorgeous and satisfying than seeing Lili Simmons nude. I can’t think of one single moment in her nudity filled career that wasn’t gorgeous and satisfying. I know we are looking forward to more gorgeous and satisfying Lili Simmons moments.