It had been almost a week since Paz de la Huerta had made the news- no blood-drenched nude pics, no glass-flinging, no drunken screaming matches outside the Chateau Mormont, nothing. We were starting to get a little worried about the old girl, until we realized she was just saving up all that glorious craziness for her skinterview with The New York Times. Yes, THAT New York Times. Having her words published in a worldwide media outlet has never stopped Paz from speaking her mind, and she regaled the reporter with this sexy, spooky tale:

I was with my ex-boyfriend and had to beg him to go to Graceland. I felt like he was jealous of Elvis because I’ve always been infatuated by him, which is hysterical because he’s passed away...So I went to his recording studio because sometimes the sensitive people feel him in this room, and I stood in this corner and I felt him. What can I say? I felt him touch me...I felt his spirit go through me and give me pleasure. It was like Elvis was tickling me with a feather.

The reporter also made the absolutely ridiculous suggestion that, to avoid typecasting, "you could simply resolve never to take your clothes off on film again," which she blessedly shrugged off:

That’s good advice, but I’m telling you, typecasting is typecasting. And I mean, look at Charlotte Rampling. She’s a brilliant actress, and she’s still getting [nude] for films. If I look like that at her age, I’ll flaunt it.

That's our Paz!

For more from Boardwalk Empire star and noted nude thespian Paz de la Huerta, check her out now on!