It could be the greatest pairing in pop history. The operative words being "pair" and "pop".

America's barest heiress, hotel hottie Paris Hilton, says that she would love to hook up with Britney Spears for a duet on her new CD.

According to Showbiz Spy, Paris recently said"

"My new album's out soon and it would be hot if I could do a duet with Britney. It is really poppy and sounds a bit like Kylie Minogue."

This sounds like possibly the greatest pairing in musical history, especially considering the fact that the last time Paris and Britney hooked up, they released a smash hit. Or maybe a gash hit!

You'll recall that back in November 2006, following her separation from Kevin Federline, Britney became tight gal pals with Paris and for one week, they hit the town nearly every night. Without underwear. Again and again and again.

Please make the magic happen again, Brit and Paris! You'll top charts with your bottom parts!