Finally, after several weeks of skinless flicks, we've got three movies with nudity hitting the big screen this weekend! Read on to find out all the details!
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
French directorCéline Sciamma (Tomboy, Girlhood) brings us this period lesbian love story about a painter (Noémie Merlant) hired to paint a portrait of a young woman (Adèle Haenel) without her knowledge. The two then begin a clandestine love affair with Noémie baring boobs and bush in the film's first hour, before both babes go topless for several lesbian scenes around the 90-minute mark! You can catch Noémie nude on our site right now in this year's Curiosa (below, top), while Adèle went topless for 2014's In the Name of My Daughter(below, bottom)!
The Wolf Hour
Naomi Watts stars in this new thriller as an agoraphobic writer stuck in her apartment during the legendary1977 New York City blackout! Naomi spends the entire film braless, showing pokies beneath a series of sheer tops, but goes properly topless in the tub at the 18-minute mark, and also baring her buns in bed with a guy later in the film! While not as great as her Oscar nominated nudity in 21 Grams (below), it's always great to see this blonde beauty in the buff!
Grand Isle
Finally this week, Nicolas Cage and Kelsey Grammer star together for the first time in this thriller with terrific TA from KaDee Strickland just before the one hour mark! This marks KaDee's first nude scene since she went topless in 2016 on the series Shut Eye (below)!