The luscious Lucy Montgomery is a British actress, writer, and voice actress who attended Cambridge University, a very serious institution. But the little hottie is actually best known for her comedic chops, and has written for and starred in Don’t Watch That, Watch This in 2005; Tittybangbang from 2005-2007; and Tracey Ullman’s Show from 2016-2018, all comedy shows involving sketches. American audiences will recognize her as the blonde who vigorously bangs Jimmy in the FXX TV series You’re the Worst, breasts almost out with peeks of side boob. And if you’ve got a toddler or tiny human somewhere in your mix, you’ve definitely heard her voice in one or two Thomas & Friends movies (2017 and 2018) and the series from 2017-2020, and oneBob the Builder movie (2017) and the series from 2015-2018, as well as Jungle Beat: The Movie in 2020. No kids? No problem. Lucy has also done decidedly more adult fare as Lesley in 2012 in the IFC series The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret with Will Arnett and David Cross; and as April in 2008 in The IT Crowd with Chris O’Dowd, which has seemingly found a second life on Netflix. In the UK, she’s brought on laughs in Planet Sketch, as Elkie Zpittvar in the series Strutter from 2006-2007, various characters in The Armstrong and Miller Show from 2007-2009 and in Bellamy’s People in 2010, as the voice of Destiny in the Muppets-meet-South-Park raunchy series Mongrels from 2010-2011, Naomi in Hapless in 2020, and various voices in the adult animated series Disenchantment from 2018-2021. We love Lucy!