Close, But Not Quite the Full Funbag.

As much as Lindsay Lohan seems unable to keep herself out of trouble and tabloid headlines of late, she seems equally incapable of remaining contained in any number of tops.

Still, no matter what chaotic state the stacked superstar’s life circumstances may be in any glimpse of that robust rack is cause for celebration!

The Superficial has posted pics of Lindsay in New York City last evening, bending down while adorned in a deeply cut get-up with no bra holding her humongous lovelies in check.

But can we actually see Lindsay Lohan nude?

After endless scrutiny of Lilo’s luscious front, ultimatelybe it shadows, shirt material, or pure bad luckit looks like we’ve been nip blocked.

But, Lindsay honey, that doesn’t mean you should stop trying to slip full nip for us. All the time. Forever.