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Skin Motion | Monday, September 28 2009

Katy Perry Bounces in Slo-Mo

Last week, juggalicious pop-out star Katy Perry came under fire when her busty duet with Elmo was deemed to hot for Sesame Street.

Katy's response? If you can't beat 'em, TEAT 'em! On the SNL season premiere, she had a cameo as a bouncy teenager from the Bronx in the world's tightest, lowest-cut Elmo shirt on the planet.

We've got the pics and clips up at Mr. Skin today, but our pervy production crew thought they could skinprove on the original... by slowing it down. Way down.

Click "play" and watch this California Gurl... she is incredible!

See Katy Perry’s nude butt here!

Mr. Skin’s Sexy Celebrity Videos 245
