Katharine McPhee's Cleavage Is Some Of The Finest Ever

Before we continue I must warn you that what you are about to see will no doubt cause your heart to race, your palms to sweat,dizziness,lightheadedness, you might not be able to control what you say, think, or feel. So, if you have any medical problems you might want to consult your doctor before you gaze upon the glory that isKatharine McPhee's cleavage.

I consider myself to be in pretty good shape—not great, but pretty good—and yet I thought my heart was going to jump right out of my chest when I began to flip through these pics of Katharine McPhee in Health Magazine. My word, it is beyond cleavage-tastic. This photo spread might become what we compare all other cleavage spreads to. Seriously, my hands are still a little shaky from staring at Katharine McPhee and her open shirts. Granted, she is one of the celebrities I hope has a nude scene before the year is over so that might havedriven my excitement. Then again, do you see how much cleavage Katharine McPhee is showing off?!?! Great, now my heart is pounding like jackhammer on overdrive. I better go lay down.

Do not take this warning lightly, Katharine McPhee is overflowing with sexiness in these pictures. You should really know if you can handle this much Katharine McPhee cleavage before you jump in.