English Eyeful Claims She's Gotten L.A.id

Randy Newman might love L.A., but Kate Beckinsale had no affection for the cinematic city when she first moved there to begin her career.

The caramel-maned Brit-biscuit recently told the Daily Express:

"I was very frightened of L.A. at first. I thought the first thing that would happen is they are going to file my teeth down, inflate my bosom and just be mean to meand that's sort of what has happened."

Now a grown upand outwoman of 35, Kate's been sporting more than a MILFy mouthful on her chest. But is it the result of aging beautifully or are those (as she may be implying in the above quote) a newer pair of Tinseltown tits? Peruse this pic of Kate at 21 from the movie Uncovered and decide. Either way, we find Kate flawless just the way she is.