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Is It Her Lifestyle Or Magical Powers That Keep Jennifer Aniston Hot?

I feel like I have to ask the question: how does Jennifer Aniston stay so young? Is it all the working out or is she secretly Juan Ponce de León and has a fountain of youth in her home? Whatever the secret is, Jennifer Aniston continues to always look hot, even when she’s not trying.

Well, I guess I shouldn’t say “not trying” because we have no idea if she was hoping to look incredibly hot when going to the gym. She totally achieved it though, as Jennifer Aniston looks pretty damn hot in tight workout clothes. To be honest, I’m sitting here wracking my brain trying to figure out a time when Jennifer Aniston wasn’t super hot. And you know what? I can’t think of a single moment. She looked hot all those years ago on Friends and she looks hot in 2016 going to the gym. You know, I’m starting to lean towards the idea that Jennifer Aniston either is or is directly descended from Juan Ponce de León and has some kind of fountain of youth. I don’t know if I buy the healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and working out routine. I think that’s just a cover.

Though if it is a cover, I don’t want to Jennifer Aniston to stop going to the gym. I would hate to be the reason we never got to see her in tight workout clothes ever again.

Photo Credit: Splash News